Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Moments for Mommy - A Message, from your child

One day I was sitting down trying to figure out what new and exciting toys I should buy my 16-month-old son.  I looked on various websites, searching for all kinds of age-appropriate toys. That night my husband said to me, “Do you watch Micah when he plays?” I replied, “Yes.”  He said “Do you notice that he likes to build and stack blocks, and he has been asking me every day to read various books to him?” A light bulb came on in my head!  All this time I had not noticed the fact that my child tries to stack any and everything.  He brings my husband and I books to read to him 50 times per day.  He was sending me messages and I didn’t even realize it.  

This “Aha” moment taught me a great lesson: your children will tell you what they like even if they are not yet able to speak. Our children are constantly sending us messages about their strengths.  As parents, we have to observe and pick up on our childrens non-verbal communication so they we can help nurture their talents.  Whenever I go to buy him toys, I get all kinds of blocks and books and he’s enjoying them tremendously. 

~ Lady A.


  1. This is a very important message, thank you for sharing your experience! Although my little one isn't that advance yet, I do notice certain things that she takes interest in and I hope to continue to help her develop certain interests!

  2. Hello Motivated Mama.

    Yes, " Although my little one isn't that advance yet, I do notice certain things that she takes interest in and I hope to continue to help her develop certain interests! "

    It is great that you recognize what she takes interest in now. Keep this frame of mind as you help your little one grow up to be all that she can be. It starts with us parents from the comments our little blessings of joy enter into the world. Lady ~ A
