Thursday, December 1, 2011

Daily Bread: World AIDS Day

2 Corinthians 13:11 "Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you."

My father died from complications related to AIDS.  So on World AIDS Day, just like my father's birthday, father's day, and the anniversary of his death, I think about him and all the things that he is missing.  He never got a chance to meet his grandchildren.  What a lively bunch they are!  He would have gotten such a huge kick out of them.  I also think about how much I miss him being around.  He had such a great sense of humor and he could make anything and everything fun.  In fact, at his funeral, my sisters and I joked through most of it in his honor.  Sounds weird, but that is exactly how he would have wanted it to be.  My father was also an eloquent public speaker.  He could talk about anything and make you believe it.  I never got to say goodbye to him, but I imagine that his farewell advice to me would be something along the lines of the scripture above.  He'd want me to be perfect, well he'd want me to aim for perfection in all areas of my life:  with my husband, with my kids, with my mom and my sisters, with my friends, with my church family, on my job.  That's because he wanted the best for me.  He'd want me to be of good comfort, knowing that even though my earthly father was going away that I still serve a Heavenly Father that is just and true, who blesses and heals and redeems and saves.  He'd want me to be of one mind, be like-minded and on the same page with my sisters about what is important in this life.  And mostly he'd want me to live in peace.  He wouldn't want me walking around stressed out, anxious and frustrated.  He wouldn't want to see me living a life full of anger.  Neither do I want any of those things for myself.  I desire to live in peace so that the God of love and peace will be with me.  And I desire the same thing for each of you.  Live in peace so that the God of love and peace will be with you.  --Lady S.

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  1. Just beautiful. We miss you dad! This seriously made me cry.

  2. This is so beautiful and I know your dad would be very proud of you if he were hear today. As the 5thbaby commandment says honor thy father and thy mother and you are doing just that. You will be forever blessed. Continue to be an example and a light to your sisters they will appreciate it in time.
